Sunday, August 30, 2009

59 cents a pound

I like to prowl oridnary places
and taste the people-
from a distance.
I don't want them too near
because that's when attrition
but in supermarkets
street corners
bus stops
eating places
drug stores
I can look at their bodies
and their faces
and their clothing-
watch the way they walk
or stand
or what they are doing.
I'm like an x-ray machine
I like them like that:
on view.
I imagine the best things
about them.
I imagine them brave and crazy
I imagine them beautiful.

I like to prowl ordinary places.
I feel sorry for us all or glad for us
caught alive together
and awkward in that way.

there's nothing better than the joke
of us
the seriousness of us
the dullness of us

buying stockings and carrots and gum
and magazines
buying birth control
hair spray
and toilet paper.

we should build a great bonfire
we should congratulate ourselves on our

we stand in long lines
we walk about
we wait.

I like to prowl ordinary places
the people explain themselves to me
and I to them

a woman at 3:35 p.m.
weighing purple grapes on a scale
looking at that scale very
she is dressed in a simple green dress
with a pattern of white flowers
she takes the grapes
puts them carefully into a white paper

that's lightning enough

the generals and the doctors may kill us
but we have


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